Online Classes

Donna Goddard

Spirit Vibes is a monthly online spiritual class. It is experiential and an opportunity for you to come away feeling brighter, calmer, clearer, more intelligent, inspired, and enthusiastic. The classes are designed to be beneficial for your well-being and spiritual growth. Think of them as a small space to activate and enrich your energy field so that your life will run more smoothly and enjoyably.

Spirit Vibes is a monthly spiritual Zoom class on Mondays at 7:00 p.m. AEST or AEDT (Melbourne time). The classes are experiential. That is, they are meant to be experienced on a personal level. They are designed to benefit your well-being and spiritual growth and are an opportunity for you to feel brighter, calmer, clearer, more intelligent, inspired, and enthusiastic. Think of them as a small space to activate and enrich your energy field so that your life will run more smoothly and enjoyably.

All the classes include a physical and energetic element:

  1. The physical component consists of qigong, yoga, and other physical practices.
  2. The energetic component consists of practices such as chanting, breathing, and meditation.

Once you register, you will be sent the Zoom link. After the class, you will also be sent the recording so that if you are unable to attend the live class, you can still do it. Concessions are available. I look forward to seeing you.

Book your next class here.

You can access the FREE 10-week Spirit Vibes Course here.

FREE 10-week Spirit Vibes Course

Excerpt from Spirit Vibes Online Class

"What drives us forward in our evolution is suffering or wisdom. As we develop, it's less suffering and more wisdom. The pull of wisdom becomes greater. If we keep to our spiritual practices, we will find that gently, gracefully, and gradually, our ego gets less hold. Our energetic state becomes bigger, calmer, and more capable. The drive towards God and our evolution becomes more robust. There’s no question of returning because what would we return to? Misery? Problems? We want to go forward." Donna Goddard


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